Create An Automated Configmgr 2012 R2 Client Installation

2020. 1. 30. 11:31카테고리 없음

Create An Automated Configmgr 2012 R2 Client Installation
  1. Sccm 2012 Configuration Manager Cli…
  2. Sccm 2012 Configuration Manager Client

Specify the name for the ADR. Choose the template, click Browse and select the target collection for update deployment.

Next choose Create a new Software Update Group. If you choose to add to an existing update group, a new one is created the first time the ADR is evaluated and reused for each subsequent evaluation of the ADR. If you choose to use a new update group, then a new update group is created for every evaluation of the ADR. Leave the box checked for Enable the deployment after this rule is run. On the Deployment Settings page, choose the detail level as Only success and error messages. Next, choose Automatically deploy all software updates found by this rule and approve any license agreements.

ADRs populate an update deployment with references to updates based on a pre-defined filter similar to console filters described in All Software Updates” section. A subset of the filter criteria is displayed on this page, where you select and define the criteria for finding the updates for inclusion in the update deployment.

Mar 1, 2014 - Download the new installer from: ConfigMgr 2012 R2 Mac Client; Run. Open the ConfigMgr console and create a new MAC OSx application. This guide is in continuation to my guide on deploying system center 2012 r2 configuration manager. Right click and select Create Automatic Deployment Rule. Allow Endpoint Protection client installation and restarts outside maintenance windows.

Sccm 2012 Configuration Manager Cli…

I will be choosing the following property filters. 1) Date Released or revised for last 2 months. 2) Updates to be in English language. 3) Updates target Windows 7 Product. 4) Updates have to be Critical updates or Security Updates. This page lets you configure when you want the ADR rule to be evaluated. This is important because the ADR rule runs as per the schedule that you configure here so configure this carefully.

For convenience, it also shows the SUP synchronization time so you can coordinate the two times. Note – It doesn’t make sense to run an ADR evaluation more frequently than the SUP synchronization time because there will be no new updates to find. You can also disable the automatic, scheduled evaluation of an ADR, leaving it to be initiated manually. In this example I will choose to run the rule after SUP synchronization. So my rule would be run every 7 days when the SUP sync happens. Specify the schedule details for the deployment, set Time based on to UTC. Choose the Software available time to As soon as possible and Installation deadline to 7 days.

Create An Automated Configmgr 2012 R2 Client Installation

I know 7 days is a lot of time, you could choose your settings here. User Experience – Choose the settings as shown in the below screenshot and click Next. Alerts – I haven’t configured anything here. You need to specify a deployment package. Click on Browse and select the deployment package. If you have not created one then click on Create a new deployment package.

If you want to know the steps to create deployment package click this. What are Deployment Packages – Similar to software distribution packages, deployment packages are simply the collection of files needed for a set of updates. They must have a source folder and be available to clients by assigning them to distribution points. There is no way to create a deployment package from the console, you can only create one using the Deploy Software Updates Wizard or the Download Software Updates Wizard. Choose Download software updates from Internet. Complete the wizard. Wait for sometime and on the client machine launch the software center.

We see that the deployment is scheduled to run 7 days after the creation of rule i.e. On the client machine we also see a software updates notification. Note – I am making this change to show the updates deployment quickly.

We know that updates will be deployed on 29th. Instead of waiting for next 7 days I will now change the evaluation schedule of the ADR.

Right the ADR rule and click on Properties. Click Evaluation Schedule and choose Run the rule on a schedule.

I have set the rule to run every one hour (You need not try this on Production environment, just stick to the schedule that you had configured earlier). On the client machine open the software center and now we see that the updates are scheduled to install on 23rd at 1:27 PM. At 1:28 PM we see that the status of updates were seen as Waiting to install. The updates are not being installed. The updates have been installed and the client machine needs to a restart.

Sccm 2012 Configuration Manager Client

After the client computer is restarted, launch the control panel, click on Programs  Programs and Features and click on Installed Updates. You should now see the list of updates installed on the client machine deployed via ADR. Troubleshooting 1) Once you deploy the ADR, the status of that new deployment should be checked regularly by looking at Monitoring Deployments. 2) Review ruleengine.log for troubleshooting purpose.

If you are unfortunate enough to be in a position where you are required to use SCCM 2012 R2 to manage your fleet of Mac OS X devices. Then you may already be aware that the process to enroll these devices on mass is not easily automated. Unlike other management products like Casper suite, where we have a QuickAdd.pkg which we can install on the client at firstboot or through ARD or any other number of methods that require no user intervention, SCCM is a little bit different. The installer package that is provided installs the client, but it doesn’t install any of the tools required to automate the enrollment via a script for example.

Previously with SCCM 2012 SP1 it had been possible to automate the enrollment process by passing the username and password on the command line to the cmenroll binary (albeit in clear text) Now it seems that MS would rather rely on the user to enter in their AD credentials in the new ConfigMgr GUI window in order to enroll. This is obviously a problem if you have a lab of Mac’s or wish to enroll a number of machines at imaging time using DeployStudio/Casper etc etc. So in this post I will show you how I was able to create a metapackage that contains all the required files and a postflight script which can automatically enroll the device using an AD service account.

From here I will assume that you already have the macclient.dmg which should look like this: First we need to create a package that contains our Client Tools. If you have created packages before this should be a relatively straight forward process. I used Composer and ended up with something looking like this: We now need to create an enrollment script, or two.

Create An Automated Configmgr 2012 R2 Client Installation